In this course, you will learn dictionary-form and masu-form.
When you learn Japanese verbs, you are going to learn these forms first.
Dictionary-form … As it is called, when you look into the verbs in a dictionary, they are listed in dictionary-forms.
Masu-form … Masu-formmakes sentence polite. You can make many sentences with its variation.
Like English, Japanese has homonyms. For example, the dictionary-form of "wear" and "cut" is "きる(kiru)". But in masu-form, "wear" becomes "きます(ki masu)" and "cut" becomes "きります(kiri masu)".
"きます(ki masu)" is also masu-form of "come".
In addition, "きく(kiku) /ききます(kiki masu)" means "ask" and "listen".
It's complicated in words like this.
But you know, it is smooth to learn by following the rhythm along with the video.
In the video, we've introduced them with animation and BGM to make it fun.