
Simple 3 steps of learning

Watch lecture video

Each lecture is 5 to 10 minutes long, allowing you to watch it repeatedly at your own pace during your free time.

Confirm with PDF

Review the lecture content in PDF format, which includes Japanese text, romanized Japanese, and English translations.

Take quiz to check

Take a simple quiz to check your understanding. Repeat any sections you got wrong before moving on to the next lecture.


English support is available

・レッスンは英語を媒介語として使用。 主な内容は日本語とローマ字で書かれ、英訳付きのため、自主学習が可能です。
・English is used as the medium of instruction, with the main content written in Japanese and Romanized script, accompanied by English translations, enabling self-study.
・Additionally, you can ask questions anytime through comments, both in English and Japanese.

3. 学びたいことをカスタマイズできる!

You can customize what you want to learn

・Alongside the cost effective level-based all-in-one courses, we offer theme-specific courses too!
・We also offer a course where you can stream narrative-style videos and listen to them like podcasts!
・Start your personalized learning journey tailored to your interests!


It is over 15 years since I started teaching Japanese.

Teaching and meeting various people from over the world are my privilege and joy.

Years ago, creating is added on the list.

To support my busy students, I started YouTube myjapanese channel.

Now, I am making them courses by adding animations and documents.

In animation videos, my avatar Azuma Kyo^ko will guide you.

Hope you enjoy it!

Tomoko: Founder of Fluent Nihongo Academy