To learners


In this course, you will learn:

How to read and write Japanese Alphabet(Kana), Hiragana and Katakana.(c.f. PDF blow)

You will learn them in 6 lectures.

1.Basic 46 Hiragana

2.Basic 46 Katakana

3.Kana Extra 1 Voiced-sound and P-sound Kana

4.Kana Extra 2 Kana with small ゃ、ゅ、ょ

5.Kana Extra 3 Long vowel

6.Kana Extra 4 Small っ

Notes on Romanization:

In my lesson, I put romaji to each Kana to support your reading so that everyone can start learning. However, romaji is only for support and not perfect. It is written in various ways depending on the teaching materials.My lesson is following the general way as possible.In addition, I adopt "^" for the notation of the long tone.

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